5 Problems Caused by Ill-Fitting Dentures

July 15, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — oceanoaks @ 11:28 pm
Frowning older man, dealing with discomfort of ill-fitting dentures

Well-made and properly maintained dentures ought to fit comfortably on your gums. After you get used to using them, they should feel natural and secure in your mouth. You should not have to worry about them easily slipping out of place or causing pain. But what if your dentures do not fit well? You could end up dealing with some significant problems, including the following:

Soreness, Swelling, and General Discomfort

Ill-fitting dentures may not stay secure on your gums; they could easily shift and slide throughout the day. Not only can this issue be annoying, but it can also lead to gum irritation and outright pain. Your gums may also become so swollen and sore that you no longer even want to wear your dentures.

Difficulty Eating

Dentures should enable you to eat a wide variety of nutritious and satisfying foods. However, if your prosthetic does not fit well, you may find it difficult to consume even relatively soft meals and snacks.

Some people have become so frustrated with their ill-fitting dentures that they make unhealthy adjustments to their diet. For example, they might stop eating vegetables and fruits. Such unbalanced eating choices can eventually lead to malnourishment.

TMJ Disorder

If your dentures do not fit properly, your lower jaw may need to put forth extra work in order to help you maintain a functional bite. That can place quite a bit of stress on your temporomandibular joints (TMJs), the small hinges in front of your ears that control your lower jaw. As a result, you may start to experience symptoms of TMJ disorder, such as jaw pain, headaches, backaches, and more.

Speech Problems

Several parts of your body must work together to produce clear, articulate speech — including your teeth! If your dentures do not fit the way they should, you may find it challenging to clearly enunciate certain sounds. Plus, if your dentures keep slipping out of place, you might have difficulty holding even a simple conversation.


Ill-fitting dentures can cause you to have an uneven bite, which can lead to saliva pooling close to the corners of your mouth. As a result, you may develop a bacterial infection known as angular cheilitis. This condition causes red, painful patches of irritated skin near the mouth.

Make Sure Your Denture Fits Well

If your dentures no longer fit well, talk to your dentist about your options. It might be possible for them to reline (adjust) your prosthetic so it fits more securely. However, there is also a chance that you may need to replace your dentures altogether.

Ill-fitting dentures can cause some serious problems! Fortunately, your dentist is ready and eager to help you get back to enjoying easy and comfortable oral function.

Meet the Practice

The three dentists at Ocean Oaks Dental Group are proud to provide a full range of services for the Vero Beach community. We even have our own in-house dental lab that we use to create top-quality dentures and other prosthetics. If you are struggling with poorly fitting dentures, we are ready to help you find relief! To learn more about us and how we may be able to assist you, contact our office at 772-569-4424.