The Remarkable Benefits of CAD/CAM Technology in Dentistry

February 6, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — oceanoaks @ 6:45 pm
Dental team member working with CAD/CAM technology

Before the Digital Revolution, dental practices had to rely on manual and mechanized methods of preparing restorations and planning various treatments. While such techniques are not necessarily bad, they can take some time, and they are not always 100% accurate. Today, things are changing. More and more dentists are incorporating CAD/CAM technology into their practices. What exactly is CAD/CAM technology, and how might it enhance your dental care experience? This blog post explains.

What Is CAD/CAM Technology?

CAD is an acronym for Computer-Aided Drafting, which essentially refers to the use of advanced software to design objects. CAM stands for Computer-Aided Manufacturing, which basically means that computers are used to help bring CAD designs to life.

CAD/CAM technology is important in many fields, including engineering, interior design, general manufacturing, and more.

CAD/CAM in Dentistry

CAD/CAM technology can be used in dentistry to design treatment plans. For example, your dentist might scan your teeth and upload their image onto a computer. Then, they can use advanced software to give you a realistic preview of the results of a particular treatment, such as clear aligners or veneers.

Some practices also use CAD/CAM technology to create their own restorations in-house. For example, instead of waiting for weeks to receive a crown from a nearby lab, some dentists are able to design and fabricate crowns in just a single appointment. Additionally, CAD/CAM can be used to 3D-print clear orthodontic aligners and retainers.

The Benefits of CAD/CAM in Dentistry

Some of the most remarkable benefits of CAD/CAM in dentistry include:

  • Increased patient confidence. CAD software programs can give you more confidence in the outcome of your treatment and allow you to play an active role in how your smile looks.
  • Faster, more efficient treatment. Same-day crowns can spare you from making multiple trips to your dentist’s office, and they can eliminate the need for you to wear a temporary crown.
  • Precise, high-quality restorations. Traditional methods of creating restorations are not always accurate; even a small error in the design process could lead to a crown or denture that does not fit well. Digital scanning and manufacturing technology can greatly reduce the risk that human error will affect your treatment’s outcome.
  • Cost-effectiveness. Dentists who use CAD/CAM technology keep their expenses to a minimum, which can allow patients to enjoy top-quality care at a reasonable price.

CAD/CAM technology is changing the way dentists do things! Ask your dental team how they utilize such tools to enhance your oral care experience.

Meet the Practice

Ocean Oaks Dental Group in Vero Beach is proud to be among the few dental practices in the United States with an in-house dental laboratory. We use the latest CAD/CAM technology to ensure that the treatments we provide are efficient, accurate, and effective. To learn more about the technology in our office and how it can benefit you, contact our team at 772-569-4424.